Dimecres 10 d’abril

16 hores


The Art of Evidence: Experts and the Showing / Telling of Art Forgery in the Public Domain


Catelijne Coopmans, Linköping University, Sweden


Skillful forgers can mimic the appearance of original works of art very closely; reports of forgeries that fetched high prices at auction, were exhibited in reputed museums, or otherwise slipped through the net, suggest as much. And yet, accounts of art forgery also often emphasize that even the most skillful imitations fall short of the mark in some way (and that what looked convincing and consistent with an artist’s style at one time, no longer does at another). The question of how to pick up relevant differences in works that have been created to pass for similar, poses interesting questions regarding what counts as evidence and expertise. In this talk I focus on how such questions are played out in the public domain. Drawing on (auto)biographies of fakers and authenticators, investigative reports, exhibition catalogues and other public sources, mostly from European and North American contexts in the 20th and 21st century, I focus on the way experts instruct their publics in both the possibilities and the difficulties of knowing an artwork for what it is. These instructions, I argue, are worth attending not only for the various ways in which they establish “truth” as “out-able”, but also for how they distribute responsibility for outing it.



Catelijne Coopmans és investigadora del Departament d’Estudis Temàtics Tecnologia i Canvi Social (TEMAT) de la Universitat de Linköping (Suècia). Les seues recerques s’han centrat en aspectes relacionats amb l’evidència i les demostracions visuals, així com en les dinàmiques de comprensió i construcció del coneixement expert en àrees com el diagnòstic mèdic, la visualització de dades comercials i l’autenticació d’obres d’art. Doctora en Management Studies especialitzada en Estudis de Ciència i Tecnologia per la Universitat d’Oxford, entre les seues publicacions més destacades es troben el volum Representation in Scientific Practice Revisited (MIT Press, 2014) i l’article “Eyeballing Expertise”, premiat per l’American Sociological Association en 2016. Catelijne Coopmans és editora de la revista Social Studies of Science i membre del consell editorial de la revista East Asia Science, Technology and Society (EASTS). Després de passar quasi deu anys en la Universitat Nacional de Singapur, ha tornat recentment a Europa, instal·lant-se a Girona i compatibilitzant els seus viatges regulars a Suècia amb una labor a temps parcial com a investigadora i coach per a acadèmics.


Lloc: Sala de conferències del Palau de Cerveró. Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero.

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Presentació i coordinació del seminari: Pedro Ruiz-Castell (IILP-UV)

Coordinació de seminaris: Enric Novella (IILP-UV)

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